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Winning Sex Crimes Cases

You need a strong defense if you’ve been charged with the criminal sexual conduct!

Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC) cases carry stiff penalties and are very aggressively prosecuted. If you have been charged or are under investigation, you will need a defense firm with extensive experience defending CSC cases and a track record of achieving excellent results.

CSC 1st Degree (Penetration) – This is the most serious offense and carries a penalty of life in prison, SORA registration, and lifetime electronic monitoring.

Involves the element of “penetration” of any bodily orifice (opening). Any penetration, however slight, qualifies. Penetration can be accomplished with any part of the defendant’s body or with a foreign object.

CSC 2nd Degree (Contact) – This charge carries a penalty of 15 years in prison, SORA registration, and lifetime electronic monitoring if the victim was less than 13 and the defendant was 17 or older.

There is no allegation of penetration, but the rest of the same factors establish CSC 2 as do CSC 1 above.

CSC 3rd Degree (Penetration) – This charge carries a 15-year jail term and SORA registration.

applies to a victim who is between the ages of 13 and 16, or:

CSC 4th Degree (Contact) – This charge carries a potential 2-year jail term and SORA registration.

Penetration not involved, but otherwise mirrors the factors establishing CSC 3, except for the penetration factor.

There are so many factors that go into making the prosecution’s case against you. Sometimes proper police procedure isn’t followed. Sometimes evidence gets lost. Sometimes your legal rights were violated and your charges can be thrown out.

Even if a CSC defense attorney isn’t able to have a case completely dismissed and thrown out of court, an influential and respected lawyer can always have some positive impact on the outcome, and potentially save a defendant from many dire consequences for years to come.

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